【英文名称】Ginger P.E.
【拉丁名称】Zingiber officinale
【植物来源】姜科生姜 Zingiber officinale 新鲜根茎
【有效成分】姜辣素 5%
【性 状】黄褐色粉末
[Name] Ginger P.E.
[Latin Name] Zingiber officinale
[Source] Fresh stem and root of Zingiber officinale
[Specification] Gingerol 5%
[Description] Yellowish brown powder
[Analytical Method] UV
[Pharmacological Action] The effective components in Zingiber officinale can prevent from the over- oxidation caused by the fat by slowing down the speed of its oxidation and deteroperation. And the component of gingerol can better resist against the free radicel. The free radicel in human’s body is the component making body old, and can cause the age pigment to the skin, and accelerating the aging to the heart and the blood vessel. But the component of gingerol can dilute the blood, and make it circulate well, and by doing that the brain can get more oxygen and the nourishment, so it can advance human’s imagination and the creativity.
白芸豆, 白柳皮, 朝鲜蓟, 颠茄流浸膏, 乳香, 厚朴,龙胆, 刺蒺藜, 可可, 问荆, 生姜, 黑升麻, 丹参,苦参总碱,柚皮甙,越橘,大豆,玛珂,芍药甙,红景天,蔓越橘,淫羊藿等提取物