、朝鲜蓟(洋蓟)提取物Artichoke Extract
[植物来源] 菜蓟属植物朝鲜蓟,拉丁学名 Cynara scolymus L[有效成分:] 洋蓟酸Cynarin,绿原酸[主要规格] 2、5% 、5%、10:1[分子式及分子量] C25H24O12 516.46 C19H22O6 346.38[药理作用]增强肝肾功能、降低胆固醇、促进氨基酸代谢、助消化
Product Name: Artichoke Leaf P.E. Plant Origin: Cynara scolymus Specification: 2.5%,5% ,15% (Cynarin, Chlorogenicacid, caffeoylquinicacid)
Formula:C25H24O12Extract Ratio: 5:1
Action: 1. Artichoke is used to increase bile production in the liver, increase the flow of bile from the gallbladder, and to increases the contractive power of the bile duct. These bile actions are beneficial in many digestive, gallbladder, and liver disorders. 2. Artichoke is also used to mobilize fatty stores in the liver and detoxify it, and as a natural aid to lower cholesterol.
白芸豆, 白柳皮, 朝鲜蓟, 颠茄流浸膏, 乳香, 厚朴,龙胆, 刺蒺藜, 可可, 问荆, 生姜, 黑升麻, 丹参,苦参总碱,柚皮甙,越橘,大豆,玛珂,芍药甙,红景天,蔓越橘,淫羊藿等提取物