序号 申 请 材 料
1 目录
2 进口饲料和饲料添加剂变更登记申请表
Applicant Form for Alter Registration of Import Feed and Feed Additives
3 进口登记证原件
The registered license
4 变更说明:由生产厂家出具,应说明变更的内容、原因。
Statement of change: issued by manufacturer . It shall state the changing content and reason.
5 官方证明文件:生产地官方机构允许变更相关内容的文件。证明文件应由中国驻生产地使馆认证
Official certificate:The documents which is issued by official institution in manufacture place permit the changing content. The certificate shall be certified by China Embassy in manufacture place.
6 境内代理机构资质证明
Domestic Agent Business License
7 委托书
Power of Attorney
Applicant Form for Alter Registration of Import Feed and Feed Additives
Number of Former License
Date Issued
Alteration 变更后名称
Present Name
□ 产品的中文或外文商品名称:
(Name of the Product)
□ 申请企业名称:
(Name of the Applicant Company)
□ 生产厂家名称:
(Name of the Manufactory)
□ 生产地址名称:
(Name of the Manufactory Address)
Domestic Agent
Signature of Applicant Company
盖章:(Seal) 境内代理机构负责人签字:
Signature of Domestic Agent
1. 境内代理机构应当如实向农业部提交有关材料,对翻译材料的准确性负责。
2. 境外企业、境内代理机构隐瞒有关情况或者提供虚假材料的,按照《进口饲料和饲料添加剂登记管理办法》第二十九条规定承担相应的法律责任。
1. The domestic agent should submit the genuine documents to the MOA and take full responsibility for the accuracy of the translations.
2. According to Article 29 of the Measures for the Administration of Registration of Import Feed and Feed Additives, foreign company and domestic agent have to bear corresponding legal liabilities if they hide relevant information on purpose or provide forged documents.