我司 OTC中正国际检测认证中心专业从事欧洲CE测试与认证,沙特SASO测试与认证,尼日利亚SONCAP测试与认证,其它第三世界清关文件如乌干达,坦桑尼亚,肯尼亚等国家的测试与认证
(1)脚手架测试标准:EN 1004:2004,EN 74-1:2005,AS/NZS1576.2:2009,GB 15831-2006,ANSI/SSFI SC100-5/05,CAN/CSA-S269.2-M87:2003
Wind resistance (风载)
Resistance to snow load (雪载)
Operating effort (操作力)
Design of the operating mechanism a HPV diagrams ("Human Pull Value") (操作设计检查)
Resistance of locking mechanism (锁紧装置测试)
Mechanical endurance (repeated operating cycles) (机械寿命)
Operation in frosty conditions (低温操作)
(3)欧洲标准:EN 74-1:2005
Couplers, spigot pins and baseplates for use in falsework and scaffolds - Part 1: Couplers for tubes-Requirements and test procedures
1)直角扣件(需要指定等级Class A /Class B)
抗滑Slipping force
抗破坏Failure force
抗拉分Pull apart force
十字抗弯刚度及极限弯矩(仅适用B级) Cruciform bending stiffness and Cruciform bending ultimate moment(ClassB only)
扭转刚度及转矩(仅适用B级) Rotational stiffness andmoment(ClassB only)
2)旋转扣件(需要指定等级Class A/Class B)
抗滑Slipping force
抗破坏failure force
压痕测试 indentation
3)平行扣件(需要指定等级Class A/Class B)
抗滑Slipping force
抗破坏failure force
压痕测试 indentation
4)对接扣件(需要指定等级Class A/Class B)
抗滑Slipping force
弯矩(仅适用B级) Bending moment(Class B only)
三) OTC中正检测认证所能承接的认证服务如下:
1,认证服务:欧盟CE认证, E-MARK认证,德国GS认证,北美认证DOT,UPC,澳洲认证
2, 体育认证:BWF(国际