Product type: OBO V20-C/3+NPE
产 品 名 称:德国OBO V20-C普通型三相四线防雷器
Product Name: GermanyOBO V20-C common type three-phase four line lightning arrester
特性 V 20-C 使用优点
Characteristics of V 20-C using the advantages of
电量金属氧化物压敏电阻 保护器可以应付频繁的动作,寿命长
Power metal oxide varistor protection can cope with frequent action, long service life
可插拔式部件 保护器模块可以带电插拔进行测试或更换
Pluggable component module can be electrified plugging test or replacement
1到4片的底座之间已连接进行 通过带标志端子,安装简单
Between the base 1 to 4 tablets have been connected by a band mark terminal, simple installation
热感断路器和视窗指示装置 对保护器的工作状态一目了然
Thermal circuit breaker and windows indicating device work state of the protector stick out a mile
带NPE火花间隙模块的保护器 使用范围(TN-C-S TN-S TT It),结构更安全
Protector with NPE spark gap module using range (TN-C-S TN-S TT It), structure more safe
C 25-B+C/NPE具有反向插入保护 保护器模块简单、专业的安装
C 25-B+C/NPE has a reverse insertion protection module is simple, professional installation
Functions and Applications
根据DIN VDE 0675,Part 6(Draft 11.89)A1,A2的要求,浪涌保护器V 20-C是属于C级的电涌保护器。它保护电气设备免受各种电压浪涌的危害。可提供从单模块到4模块的不同型号。
According to DIN VDE 0675, Part 6 (Draft 11.89) A1, A2, surge protector V 20-C surge protector which belongs to the class C. The harm it protect electrical equipment from the voltage surge. It can provide different types of 4 module from the single module.
型号V 20-C/1+NPE(C级)是用于TN-C-S、TN-S、TT和IT系统中特别的浪涌保护器。该保护器是根据DIN VDE 0100,Part 534/A1的新需求进行设计的,并达到简单、安全的安装。
Model V 20-C/1+NPE (C) is used for surge protector special TN-C-S, TN-S, TT and IT system. The protective device is based on DIN VDE 0100, the new requirements of Part 534/A1 for the design, and achieve the simple, safe installation.
V 20-C内含一个有高非线性特性(α>30)的氧化锌压敏电阻。该器件具有响应时