隔热材,其材质一般为 铝箔 / 单层气泡/ 铝箔; 铝箔/ 双层气泡/铝箔 及 铝箔 / 气泡。其中铝箔—反光,隔热,防潮,有较好的辐射性能量,并能抵抗其它形式的热能传输,从而达到有效的绝缘功能。气泡独特的充气造型可起到缓冲受力强度,减震,抗冲击的效果。此两种材料复合的隔热产品干净,轻便,易于安装,多用于屋顶隔热,地面防潮隔热,汽车发动机隔热及商用建筑隔热等……… Heat Insulation Foil:
The product consists of two layers of aluminum foil with plastic bubble laminated between the aluminum foil. The material provides excellent insulation: reflects up to 97% of radiant energy in addition to resisting other types of heat transfer from conduction, convection and radiation. The two side aluminum foil forms an effective barrier against moisture, air currents and vapors.