水平全自动打包机 WJ-75YRS(stainless steel)
型 号/Model: WJ-75YRS
弓架尺寸/Arch size: 600W×760H(m/m)
机械尺寸/Machine size: 1410W×640D×1795H(m/m)
包装尺寸/Package size: 600W×530~630h(m/m)
台面高度/Table height: 585~685(m/m)
捆包速度/Strapping speed: 30straps/50HZ 26straps/50HZ
Plastic-steel roller conveyor(top table) Tabe adjustable+/-100m/m Ip-659 plastic-steel control box Stainless steel castor wheels(two moveable and two brake) The lamp to maintain the inner temp.Or dry the inside of machine.