材质 陶瓷纤维 表观密度 200-300
导热系数 0.19 最高使用温度 1350
规格 7200*610*10-50 用途 防火保温隔热
Product Description: white color, size, regular, set fire-resistant, heat insulation, thermal insulation in one. Does not contain any binder. In the neutral atmosphere, oxidation of long-term use to maintain good tensile strength, toughness and fiber structure. Temperature to 950-1350 ℃.
Features: good chemical stability; good thermal stability; good tensile strength; low heat conductivity; low heat capacity; excellent acoustic noise performance.
Typical applications: aerospace, steel, petrochemical, high-temperature heat insulation; military equipment fire insulation; industrial furnace, heating device wall linings, insulation backing insulation; high-temperature heat insulation equipment; high-temperature thermal insulation pipe insulation; electrical component fire insulation; heat pad film; module, folded pieces of raw materials.