R5钢结硬质合金 R5机械性能
牌号Grade 特点与适用范围
Properties and Applications
GT35 有很好的耐磨性及较高的硬度,但不耐高温与腐蚀。用于冷镦、冷冲、冷挤、冷拉等模具 、镗杆、轧辊滚压工具、机器零件,特别适于作耐磨零件等。
It has good wear-resistance and rather high hardness,but it is not well resestant to high temperatures and corrosion.It is used in manufacturing cold heading and punching dies,cold extruding and drawing dies,boring hars,roll rings and rolling tools,and measuring and fixing instruments,and it is especially suitable for wear parts,etc.
GW1 具有较好的机械综合性能和耐磨性。适用于冷冲、冷墩、冷拉、冷挤、整形等模具以及各种耐磨零件、剪切和量卡工具等到。
It has good comprehensice mechnical performance and wearresistance. It is suitable for making cold punching and heading dies clod extruding and drawing dies.And reshaping too ls and various wear parts,shearing tools and measuring and fixing instruments.
R5 有较高的硬度和耐磨性,具有明显的回火二次硬化现象,抗回火、抗氧化,肯有一定的抗蚀性。适用于温热作模具和抗氧化、抗蚀、耐磨同时要求的工件,如刮片、密封环等。
It has high hardness and is well wear-resistanct.It has an obvious trend of hardening after tempering for a second time.It is resistant to tempering and some what resistant to corrosion .It is suitable for making moulds that are to manufactured in hot conditions under moderate tem-peratures.It is also suitable for making parts that require at the same time oxidation,corrosion and wear resistance,such as scraping tools and seal rings.
TM60 具有加工硬化、电弧烛接和耐冲击的特性,可磨削但不可机械无加工磁性的钢结硬质合金。适于制作抗冲击的矿山凿岩钻具和耐磨零件。
It has properties of hardening after malleablization,arc welding and impact resistance.It can grind but can not machining demagnitized steel-bonded carbide.It is suitable for impact-resistant rock-working mining tools&wearparts.