品牌: 银象
型号: WS-130B
工作形式: 弧焊
焊接方式: 拉弧式
电流: 直流
样式 抽头式
操作方式 :手动
驱动形式: 半自动
保护气体类型: 氩弧
作用对象: 金属
额定容量: 5.7KVA
负载持续率 35%
适用对象 :不锈钢,紫铜,钛等有色金属物体,铁板,合金钢板。
工作电压: 220V单相/380V两相
电流调节范围: 5-130A
WS series SCR DC Argon Welder
Function & Features:
This is a manual welder, using tungsten electrodes and argon gas as protective medium. This welder is applicable to welding of stainless steel, copper, titanium and other nonferrous metals. During welding, the crater is protected by argon gas from oxidation effectively. This welder is noted for high-quality welding seams and good forming performance.