UTP 068 HH焊条
UTP 068 HH主要是用于连接相同或类似的耐热镍基合金,
如2.4817(LC NiCr15Fe),2.4851(NiCr23Fe),1.4876(X10 NiCrTiAl 32 20),1.4941
(×8 CrNTi 18 10)。特别还用于钩子的高C含量25/35 CrNi铸钢,至1.4859
或1.4876石油化工装置与工作温度高达900°c .焊接存款
Application field
UTP 068 HH is predominantly used for joining identical or similar heat resistant Ni-base alloys,
heat resistant austenites, cold tough Ni-steel, and for joining heat resistant austenitic-ferritic materials,
such as 2.4817 (LC NiCr15Fe), 2.4851 (NiCr23Fe), 1.4876 (X10 NiCrTiAl 32 20), 1.4941
(X8 CrNTi 18 10). Specially also used for joinings of high C content 25/35 CrNi cast steel to 1.4859
or 1.4876 for petrochemical installations with working temperatures up to 900° C. The welding deposit
is hot cracking resistant and does not tend to embrittlement.