TK-Y W series saline spray testing chamber
Brief instruction: TK-YW series saline spray testing is specially designed for the testing of the corrosion resistance of the products after their material surfaces have been treated with electric plating, anodizing, spray coating, anti-rusting oil and other anti-erosion treatment.
产品特点:Product feature
Spray tower conical disperser have salt spray guide and adjust salt fog homogeneity and settlement.
Perfect protection function (leak of water, overset, overload etc) and device with audio, alarm, stop function
3: 装备有设备运行时间控制器,在运行时间累结完后自动关机。
The device have equipment run time controller
The pressure barrel use 2.0MMSUS201 stainless plane welding with no gap.
6:发热采用钛管. 使用寿命长,耐腐蚀程度高.
Titanium tube for heating, long service life, high corrosion resisting
Imported transparent acrylic covers plate production. Fine workmanship, brightly appearance, high transparency.
产品的电子控制系统:Electronic control system of product
(A) 实验室温度控制器控制误差±0.1℃(RKC) 1只(日本)
Laboratory temperature controller to control error ±0.1℃(RKC) 1pet(Japan)
(B) 饱和空气桶温度控制器0-99.9℃,控制误差±0.1℃ (RKC) 1只(日本)
Saturated air temperature controller 0-99.9℃,Control error ±0.1℃(RKC)1pet(Japan)
(C) 加热糟液体膨胀安全温度控制器0-120℃ (德国.ODE) 1只
Heating liquid expansion safety temperature controller 0-120℃(German ODE)one pet
(D) 饱和空气桶液体膨胀安全温度控制器0-120℃德国.ODE) 1只
(E) 数位显示时间控制器0.1s-99990hr(YANGMING) 1只(台湾)
Digital display time controller 0.1s-99990