宏鑫电子仪器有限公司 总公司
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示波器 网络分析仪 综合测试仪 频谱分析仪 信号发生器 噪声系数分析仪 音频分析仪 数字万用表 程控电源 功率计 频率计 阻抗分析仪 视频分析 仪 函数信号发生器 LCR电子测试仪 电子负载 万用表校准仪 示波器校准 仪 高压机 数据采集器 接收/发射机 测量接收机 电缆/天线分析仪 调制度分析仪 蓝牙综测仪 GPIB卡等
PAN-A Series series
High reliability of DC power supply (CV/CC): the model 28
PAN-A series is a series of DC power supply regulator mode. To be considered an important factor in the reliability and security of the power plant, the system also conducted a comprehensive consideration, such as the use of sufficient margin rated components and equipment, all kinds of security function.
This series can be widely used in the research and development, quality management to the production field and other fields, has high generality. There are 4 types of output capacity: 175W / 350W / 700W / 1000W. According to the maximum output voltage (16V? 600V), product lineup includes 28 types.
Low temperature drift
- fast
Low noise voltage
- a function of all kinds of security
- remote control based on the external voltage
- external resistor based on remote control
Single control parallel operation (in the same model)
Single control series operation (in the same model)
Remote ON / OFF control output.
- voltage - current setting knob with 10 transformation