ASTM D256塑料耐冲击性测定的标准试验方法
ASTM D256 Standard Test Methods for Determining the Izod Pendulum Impact Resistance of Plastics
ASTM D256塑料耐冲击性测定的标准试验方法简介:此方法包含了安装在标准设备上的标准摆锤度对塑料耐冲击性能的测定。ASTM E256标准测试的测试方法要求样本有一缺口。在测试方法A,C和D中,缺口集中产生应力从而增加了脆性而不是韧性和断裂的可能。
ASTM D256 Standard Test Methods for Determining the Izod Pendulum Impact Resistance of Plastics scope: These test methods cover the determination of the
resistance of plastics to “standardized” pendulumtype hammers, mounted in “standardized” machines, in breaking standard specimens with one pendulum swing . The standard tests for these test methods require specimens made with a milled notch . In Test Methods A, C,and D, the notch produces a stressconcentration that increases the probability of a brittle, rather than a ductile, fracture.
ASTM D256塑料耐冲击测试相关的其他机械性能测试标准:
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ASTM D256塑料耐冲击性测定的标准试验方法
ASTM D256 Standard Test Methods for Determining the Izod Pendulum Impact
Resistance of Plastics
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Reinforced Plastics and Electrical Insulating Materials
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