This machine is suitable for grinding straight and oblique edges of flat glass of different sizes and thickness. It offers three-wheel kibbling, three-wheel grinding, two-wheel pneumatic polishing and one-wheel bottom grinding. It also has stepless speed regulator to adjust processing speed, so glass kibbling, grinding and polishing can be done in one process. This machine has extension front beam linking board, particularly suitable for processing small-size glass. It is an ideal product developed from our original equipment.
技术参数(Technical Specifications):
磨头数量(The number of motors):9个
磨削速度(Grinding speed):500~2500mm/min
斜边最大宽度(Maximum beveling width): 30mm
斜边角度(Bevel angle): 3°~ 20°
加工玻璃厚度(Thickness of processed glass):4 ~20mm
加工玻璃尺寸(Size of processed glass):最大: 3000 x 3000mm 最小: 50 x 50mm
总功率(Total power):17.5KW
重量(Weight):4800 KG
外形尺寸(Size):7760(L) x 1400(W) x 2450 (H)mm