用途: 广泛用于工业、建筑业、煤炭矿山石沙筛料,过滤液体及气体、机械通风、安全防护等。
分类:先编后热镀,先热镀后编, 先编后电镀,先电镀后编.
我们可以提供2目到80目的镀锌方眼网, 尺寸也可由客户定制。
Material: High quality galvanized wire.
Weaves and the characteristic: The even grain weaves but becomes
Use: Widely used in industry, architecture, coal or ore material screen filters the liquid and the gas, artificial draft, the safe protection and so on.
Classification: Arranges the secondary fever to plate first, hotly plates first posts-edit, Arranges after first galvanizes, Galvanizes first posts-edit
We may provide 2 items to galvanize the grid network to 80 goals; the size also may have custom-made by the customer.