Ecosafene Fire Safety Test for Textile Flooring/Carpet/Blankets
ISO 6925:Textile floor coverings-Burning behaviour-Tablet test at ambient temperature
ISO 6925:铺地织物-燃烧性能-室温下的片剂试验
ISO 9239:Reaction to fire tests for floorings
ISO 9239:地板覆盖物对火反应试验
EN 1869:Fire Blankets/ 灭火毯
BS 4790:determination of the effects of a small source of ignition on textile floor coverings (hot metal nut method)
BS 4790:小点火源对铺地织物的影响的测定方法(热金属螺母法)
BS 5287:Specification for assessment and labelling of textile floor coverings tested to BS4790
BS 6307:determination of the effects of a small source of ignition on textile floor coverings (methenamine tablet test)
BS 6307:微小火源对铺地织物影响测定方法(甲胺片试验)
DIN V 18035:Sporting grounds/ 运动场
DIN 4102-14:determination of the burning behaviour of floor covering systems using a radiant heat source
DIN 4102-14:建筑材料和构件的耐燃性能.用热辐射器测定地面覆层系统的燃烧特性
16 CFR 1630:surface flammability of carpets and rugs
16 CFR 1630:地毯和地毯片表面易燃性标准
16 CFR 1631:surface flammability of small carpets and rugs
16 CFR 1631:小地毯和小地毯片表面易燃性标准
ASTM E648:Critical Radiant Flux of Floor-Covering Systems Using a Radiant Heat Energy Source
ASTM E648:用辐射热源测试地面材料的临界辐射通量
ASTM D4151:Flammability of Blankets
ASTM D4151:毯子易燃性标准试验方法
SOR/91-264:Hazardous Products (Carpet) Regulations
易朔已为多数铁路轨道车辆,火车,机车材料及配件制造商,提供德国标准 DIN5510-2 阻燃防火测试服务,同时提供欧盟EN45545-2, 英国 BS6853, 法国NF F16-101/102, 美国NFPA130, 意大利UNI CEI11170-2, 和 UIC564-2等,船舶材料IMO 阻燃防火测试,联系我们或登录易朔官网,我们将与您分享具体的测试方法与技术分析!TEL:0592-5056211