功率(power) 500W
风叶直径(biade diameter) 2.6m
额定转数(rated rotor speed)(r/min) 400
额定风速(rated speed)(m/s) 7
额定功率(rated power) 500W
最大功率(max power) 600W
输出电压(output voltage) 24V
启动风速(start up wind speed) 2.5m/s
工作风速(work speed) 2.5--30m/s
安全风速(security wind speed) 40m/s
塔架高(high of tower) 6m
塔架类型(tower type) 76mm钢管(steel tube)
输出控制系统(output controller system) 充电控制器,逆变器(controller,inverter)
建议配套电池容量(Suggests the necessary battery capacity) 12V120zh 2块(2pcs 12V120ah)
可带负载:(can supply power for) 彩电、照明、电风扇、充电等TV