起动风速 start-up wind speed (2m/s)
切入风速 cut-in wind speed (3m/s)
额定风速 rated wind speed (12m/s)
系统电压 System voltage 48V/96V(DC)
额定功率 rated power (3000W)
最大功率 ultimate output (3300W)
叶片高度 blade height (220 cm)
风叶数量 fan blade amount (6+3pcs)
安全风速 safe wind speed (60m/s)
整机重量 weight of complete machine(208kg)
工作温度 working temperature -40℃ to 60℃
最大风速 maxim wind speed:≤75m/s
瞬间最大风速 maximum momentary wind speed:≤80m/s
安装高度 suggested mounting height:10m~15m