Ttest Items 测试费用
TestingPrice(RMB) 样品重量
Specislsizec gor cm2 普通服务erg(工作日)
Cadmium and its compounds(Cd) 镉 90.00 320.00 840.00 5g 4/5
Lead and its compounds(Pb) 铅 90.00 5g 4/5
Mercury and its compounds(Hg) 汞 90.00 5g 4/5
Chromium compounds(hexavalent(Cr6+)六价格 180.00 5g or 200c㎡ 4/5
PBBs多溴联苯 450.00 600.00 20g 4/5
PBDEs多溴联苯醚 450.00
Packaging Material 94/62/EEC包装材料(Cd,Pb,Hg.Cr6+)四项 270.00 20g 4/5