The LR9450 is a highly sensitive and compact GPS mouse with low power consumption.
Built with SiRFStarIII™ architecture and USB interface it can be used in a variety of applications, in laptops or PDAs. Non-slip underneath with a magnetic mounting, it is easy to place on top of a vehicle to fix positioning. Even on rainy days the LR9450’s certified waterproof configuration (IPX6) ensures perfect functionality.
Hardware and Software
Based on the high performance features of the SiRF Star III single chip
Built-in high gain amplifier and bandpass filter
RoHS compliant (lead-free)
Dimension: 60x60x19 mm
Hardware compatible with SiRF GSC3x software
SBAS (WAAS and EGNOS) support
Cold / Warm / Hot Start Time: 42 / 35 / 1 seconds
Reacquisition Time: 0.1 second
RF Metal Shield for best performance in noisy environments
Multi-path Mitigation Hardware
USB port for GPS communications interface
Protocol: NMEA-0183 / SiRF Binary (default NMEA)
Baud Rate: default 4800 bps