一、 结构性能:1. 产品发热体采用镍铬合金丝,发热块,热效率高,使用寿命长。2. 防潮化硅橡胶与无碱玻璃纤维双重绝缘,使加热器绝缘性能更加可靠。3. 铝板辅助散热,使加热器的热效率提高,并延长其使用寿命。4. 安装方便。<BR>额定电压:220V介电强度:2000V/min绝缘电阻>50MΩ绝缘材料(硅橡胶)耐温:-60℃—+250℃
Silicone rubber heaters can be used for pipes, tanks, OEM Switchgear Kits &, Box heating and insulation.
A structural performance: 1. Fever of nickel products used chromium alloy wire, heating blocks, high thermal efficiency, long service life. 2. Moisture-resistant silicon rubber and E-glass fiber double insulation so that the heater insulation performance more reliable. 3. Aluminium auxiliary cooling, the thermal efficiency of the heater increase and extend its useful life. 4. Ease of installation.
rated voltage: 220 V dielectric strength: 2000 V / min insulation resistance> 50 M Ω insulating material (silicone) temperature: -60 ℃ - +250 ℃