随着龙芯世纪在各种疑难芯片解密领域的重大突破,为我们在更多高难度解密领域的研究积累的丰富经验,这里我们提供对ZNBG4000芯片的基本性能特征介绍,供客户及工程师参考借鉴。更多解密请关注http://www.icinf.comDEVICE DESCRIPTIONThe ZNBG series of devices are designed to meet the bias requirements of GaAs and HEMT FETs commonly used in satellite receiver LNBs,PMR,cellular telephones etc.with a minimum of external components. With the addition of two capacitors and resistors the devices provide drain voltage and current control for a number of external grounded source FETs, generating the regulated negative rail required for FET gate biasing whilst operating from a single supply. This negative bias, at -3 volts, can also be used to supply other external circuits.FEATURES· Provides bias for GaAs and HEMT FETs· Drives up to four or six FETs· Dynamic FET protection· Drain current set by external resistor· Regulated negative rail generatorrequires only 2 external capacitors· Choice in drain voltage· Wide supply voltage range· QSOP surface mount package