产品描述: 质油是一种透气和防水底漆,可精整室内严重磨损的木质表面。这种油特别能增加软木材和软木塞的抗压力,磨损力,敲击力。它能巩固木质表面同时能保持木质的弹性。它能稍微加深木质颜色,还能突出木质纹理
运用领域:天然硬质油适于用作底漆和未加工的木制地板以及其他室内严重磨损的木质。也可用于当做未加工的软木板和处理 无釉粘土砖的底漆。
Tung oil, linseed oil, modified colophony, citrus oil, lead-free drying agents, smectite, ethanol
and water,桐油,亚麻子油,优质松香,柑橘油,无铅干燥剂,蒙脱石,乙醇和水
Solvent: Citrus oil 溶剂:柑橘油
Additives: Lead and barium-free drying agents 添加剂:无铅和无干钡干燥剂
Colour: 颜色 Transparent透明色
Storage: 储存 Keep tightly sealed and out of the reach of children. Store in cool but frost-free conditions. 严密贮存,置于小孩取不到的地方。贮存于冷且无霜条件下
Shelf-life: 保存期限 A minimum of 3 years if tin is kept firmly sealed. 如罐头密闭保存完好,可保存至少3年
Can sizes: 罐头型号 0.75 l, 2.50 l, 10.0 l
Class of risks: 危险级别 VbF A II (flammable)(易燃)
Technical Data技术参数
Specific weight比重 approx. 0.9 g/ml 大约0.9克/毫升
Viscosity黏合 Approx. 12 secs. (DIN-size beaker 4 mm) at 20°. 常温20度12秒左右(4毫米)
Flashpoint燃点 Approx. 46°C约46度
Coverage覆盖范围 70-80 ml/sq metre per coat depending on the composition of the surface and the porosity
of the material. Consumption may be increased especially for the initial treatment of such
materials as end-grain wood, unglazed tiles and cork. 70-80毫升/平方米每层涂料(取决于表面成分和材料的多孔性)。消耗量可能增加尤是初次给于治疗末端木料,无釉砖木和软木。
Drying time干燥时间 Dry and can be recoated after approx. 6-8 hrs at 20°C and average humidity. Leave heavily
impregnated surfaces to dry for 12 –24 hours. Low temperatures and high humidity and little
air exchange delay drying and promote the development of odours. 20度且湿度均匀的情况下,大约6-8小时后方可干燥和再上油。让上了很多油的表面晾干12-24小时。低温,高湿,通风差会