Polyhexamethyleneguanidine Hydrochloride (PHMG)
CAS No.: 57028-96-3
Molecular formula: (C7H15N3)n.x(HCl) Molecular Weight: 1000-3000
PHMG is a kind of colorless or light yellow solid or liquid. PHMG is soluble in water and free of erosion. PHMG is environmental-friendly and free from iodine, chlorine, aldehyde and alcohol.
Item Index
Appearance Colorless Or Light Yellow, Solid Or Liquid
Active Components 25%
Solubility In Water Complete
Odor No
Decomposition Temperature >400 ° C
Surface Tension (0.1% In Water) 49.0dyn/cm2
Biological Decomposition Complete
Function Harmless And Bleach-free
Storage Two Years Before Open
Risk Incombustible & Non-explosive
Toxicity 1%PHMG LD 50 > 5000mg/kgBW
Shelf Life 2 Years
Corrosiveness (Metal) Corrosive-free To Stainless Steel, Copper, Carbon Steel And Aluminum
PH Neutral
Usage: PHMG is able to completely destroy a variety of bacteria, including Colon Bacillus, S. Aureus, C. Albicans, N. Gonorrhoeae, Salm. Th. Murum, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Listeria Monocytogenes, S.Dysenteiae, ASP. Niger, Brucellosis, C. Parahaemolyticus, V. Alginolyticus, V. Anguillarum, A.Hydrophila, Sulfate Reduction Bacteria etc. PHMG can be used to clean skin and mucous membrane, clothes, surfaces, fruits and indoor air. PHMG is also applicable for disinfection in aquaculture, livestock farming and oil exploration. PHMG has good preventive and curative effects on fungus-caused farming diseases such as Grey Mildew, Sclerotinia Rot, Bacterial Spot, Rhizoctonia Solani And Phytophthora etc.
Package and storage: PHMG is packed in 5kg/PE drum×4/ box, 25kg/PE drum and 60kg/PE drum. Sealed storage in room temperature, away from direct sunlight.
Shelf Life: 2 years
Keywords: PHMG, Polyhexamethyleneguanidine Hydrochloride;