Zenite LCP,是由Dupont(杜邦)生产,广泛用于电子电气、通讯、汽车工业,航空航天。
代理Dupont, Sabic工程塑料,DSM,Rhodia,等知名工程塑料。
联系人:谢先生 联系电话13790403856
ZE16401:5% PTFE and 30% mineral reinforced low wear and low friction liquid crystal polymer resin,
ZE17101:A 30% glass reinforced, lubricated liquid crystal polymer resin having excellent toughness and a heat deflection temperature of 295°C,
ZE55201:A 50% glass/mineral reinforced, black liquid crystal polymer resin designed for ultra flatness,
ZE55801:A 30% glass reinforced liquid crystal polymer resin designed for compatability with electroless plating,
5145L:A 45% glass reinforced, lubricated liquid crystal polymer resin with improved toughness,
6130:A 30% glass reinforced white liquid crystal polymer resin having excellent toughness and a heat deflection temperature of 265°C,