Reactive dyeing of cotton fabric is the most commonly used dyes, wet fastness and levelness of the fine, but the color of turquoise blue reactive common fight, pink, purple, and light gray-dyed fabrics such as light fastness Khan, the general poor. But most activity staining of cotton clothing in contact with human sweat, the especially vulnerable to change by the fading sunlight (to sweat light composite color fastness: the role of amino acids due to human sweat, will cause oxidation and decomposition reactions of varying light fade) Special Domestic Single and exported to Japan orders, are resistant to sweat light fastness of a textile quality assessment is an important indicator. Such as: GB/T14576-1993, SN/T1461-2004,
活性染料是棉织物染色最常用的染料, 湿牢度和匀染性优良,但活性染料常见拼色如翠蓝, 粉红, 浅紫和浅灰等染色织物之光汗复合牢度一般较差。但大多活性染色棉服装在接触人体汗液后,经阳光照射特别容易发生变褪色(对汗光复合色牢度:因受人体汗液中氨基酸作用,将引起光氧化分解反应发生变褪色) 特别内销单及出口日本订单, 均以耐汗光牢度成为考核纺织品质量的一项重要指标。如:GB/T14576-1993,SN/T1461-2004, JISL0888-1988[2]及AATCC125-2004其国内企业标准如ATTS、MIZUNO、LACT,等标准,
Perspiration fastness improver stagnation mainly applicable to a variety of natural fiber reactive dyeing, color fastness to improve sweat light perspiration can be treated fabrics to enhance 0.5-1 light prison complex degree-level. After processing, the textile does not affect the dye to identify light and feel.
Pad Technology:
Perspiration fastness improver hysteresis 30-80g / l, 2 dip 2 rolling (rolling liquid rate of 80-90%) ,100-1200C dry