
发布日期 :2024-04-01 10:47 编号:12416178 发布IP:
KOKAM努力满足一切法律和道德要求,并且,只要可能,我们还努力超越这些要求。我们的责任是按照*的职业和道德标准和惯例来开展业务:公司绝不容忍任何不合规的行为。我们在“勇担责任”方面的原则堪称我们制定业务决策的指南针。我们还必须鼓励我们的商业伙伴、供应商和其他利益相关者遵循同样高的道德标准。追求*取得*的业绩和运营成果追求*,是我们在每个领域都将尽力实现的目标。我们根据公司愿景制定这一远大目标,并在其指引下提供优异的质量及超越客户需求的电源系统解决方案。一直如此。追求*还意味着吸引市场上*秀的人才。我们将帮助这些人才掌握获得成功所需的各种技能,给他们提供发挥潜力的*机会。我们致力于营造一种高绩效企业文化。追求*不仅仅关系到我们所做的一切,它还要求我们找到一条持续改善的道路。这需要我们灵活、积极地迎接变革,从而确保我们能够牢牢把握新的机遇。矢志创新敢于创新,创造可持续的价值创新就已成为KOKAM业务成功的基石。研发是KOKAM发展战略的基本动力。作为蓄电池一部分关键专利的持有者,无论是已经成熟的工艺,还是正在发展的技术,我们都是客户强有力的合作伙伴。我们的目标是,在所涉足的众多业务,都占据技术*地位。我们是创新惠及全球的企业公民。我们用客户是否满意来衡量我们的创新是否成功。我们不断调整业务模式,以便为客户共同面临的严峻的挑战提供解决方案,从而使我们得以创造可持续的价值。柯咖姆蓄电池12V100AHSafeGuard12BS100优惠价格通过*潮流,我们可以完全释放员工的能量和创造力。我们富于*,也欣赏这种素质的所有含义:*性、创造力、奇思妙想,等等。KOKAM——锐意开拓、*创新:· 提升能源效率· 安全、稳定、环保、长效· 优化工业生产力· 打造智能化电源系统解决方案SafeGuard 12VBS  产品特点1、循环充放电能力强,设计浮充寿命12年2、深度放电恢复性能出色、自放电低3、电池外壳及盖材料采用高强度强化阻燃(V0)ABS4、专利的氧复合技术5、高灵敏度单向低压安全气阀,可安全操作4万次以上6、高倍率放电性能优越7、安装简便,可根据现场空间和承重安排卧式或立式安装。8、符合:BS6290/4:1997、D/N43534,IEC896-2,YD/T 799-2010标准柯咖姆蓄电池12V100AHSafeGuard12BS100优惠价格基本参数KOKAM型号额定电压(V)额定容量C10(Ah)额定放电电流(A)*放电电流(A)长度(mm)宽度(mm)高度(mm)重量(kg)SafeGuard12BS2412242.41441761671257.2SafeGuard12BS2612262.61561761671258.0SafeGuard12BS3812383.8228197166168.513.0SafeGuard12BS5012505.030027016818417.5SafeGuard12BS6512656.539032416817521.0SafeGuard12BS1001210010.060040817522132.5SafeGuard12BS1201212012.072040817522135.0SafeGuard12BS1501215015.090054920423349.0SafeGuard12BS2001220020.0120054925923363.0SafeGuard 2VBS  产品特点1、 循环充放电能力强,设计浮充寿命18年2、 深度放电恢复性能出色、自放电低3、 电池外壳及盖材料采用高强度强化阻燃(V0)ABS4、 专利的氧复合技术5、 高灵敏度单向低压安全气阀,可安全操作4万次以上6、 高倍率放电性能优越7、 安装简便,可根据现场空间和承重安排卧式或立式安装。8、 符合:BS6290/4:1997、D/N43534,IEC896-2,YD/T 799-2010标准基本参数KOKAM型号额定电压(V)额定容量C10(Ah)额定放电电流(A)*放电电流(A)长度(mm)宽度(mm)高度(mm)重量(kg)SafeGuard2BS20022002012008817737713.5SafeGuard2BS300230030180011817737718.5SafeGuard2BS400240040240014817737724.0SafeGuard2BS500250050300018717737730.0SafeGuard2BS600260060360021817837736.0SafeGuard2BS800280080480021221245550.0SafeGuard2BS100021000100600025621245561.0SafeGuard2BS1500215001509000275210687104.0SafeGuard2BS20002200020012000367214687138.0SafeGuard2BS30002300030018000542212687208.0公司现货实拍图请联系客服about this love, Zheng Shuang chose to list the 100 "love thing" as a souvenir: "I don't love secretive. I even love you are kissing in public places, because I know you at that moment I was the only one, although we are very shy, but that moment other people are not there, I do not want you, just when can't sleep, you are in my head." She even mentioned that when he slept, he secretly measured his fingers and fingers, hoping to surprise the other day.Unfortunately, this love affair has changed, "support you to do anything, even if just want to play with feelings, I can accept your indulgence", "in the United States in June, miss you.". Texting you all the time. "And you ignore me and we've split up for half a year," Zheng Shuang said. "I'd never want to meet you if I gave my choice."".Although Zheng Shuang did not disclose his name from A to Z, but then Hu Yanbin himself in a micro-blog, with "Zheng Shuang's book" photos, and wrote: "never thought someone would put me in a book, this moment I forgot who I was, just to support you." It seems to have indirectly admitted that the person who occupies the part of love is him."Zheng Shuang's book" some excerpts:1. When you think of it, the taste bud will feel your favorite food consciously. Memories begin to act like when you eat. Sometimes you want to be thin, but I don't want your stomach upset. Together we study the calories of all foods, without the burden of losing weight and eating as much as we like.2, sometimes deliberately let you do housework, in fact, exercise your ability to take care of me later, I am not very bad?3, will unconsciously put all around you and your comparison, and then think of you, no one is entitled to say you are bad, in addition to me, your shortcomings are advantages, I can not understand.4. Always hold my hand while driving. As long as I'm here, I'll have a happy smile.5, I don't hide love. I even like to be kissed in public by you, because I know that at that moment, you only have me in my heart. Although we are all shy, there are no other people in that moment.9, worry about you have been bullied, worried about you wronged, know that you don't want to tell me face, so it is always a person to bear.15, support you to do anything, even if just want to play with feelings, I can accept your indulgence.24, I did not miss you, but when you can't sleep, you are in the head.25, love each time you finished all your experiences in mind, know what is created in front of the big guy, or baby.26, you become what I can accept, we first day together, I do not count to their ideas and ask questions, if you are injured, fat, invisible, incontinence, and now I still love you? I put all the fancy into, oh, I still like you so much.31, I like when you sleep, see you again and again, and even touch the position of each eyebrow again and again, even if you are old and blind, you can clearly remember your appearance.32, in your sleep, secretly measured your ring finger dimension, want to give you a surprise one day, the size is just good, whether it will make me very cow?34, I don't know how much you love me, but each time it seems that I heard later that you love me so deeply.35, the only way to get out of the whirlpool is to let me know you live better than me.36, later I heard that you went abroad to make a wish, this wish is better than I wish you.58, before I thought it was funny myself, but later I know I like "play" is you.